Latest episodes

Accelerating Postgres Queries with Epsio - GIlad Kleinman
The GeekNarrator,
Diving into Kafka Internals with David Jacot
The GeekNarrator,
Should you Kubernetes? ft- Anjul Sahu, Founder and CEO CloudRaft
The GeekNarrator,
Practical System Design for Senior Engineers with Gaurav Sen
The GeekNarrator,
Time Management for Software Engineers
The GeekNarrator,
Functional Programming on the JVM with Daniel from RockTheJVM
The GeekNarrator,
Serverless Architecture with Yan Cui
The GeekNarrator,
Designing a Modern Ledger Database with Michael Parsons (CTO and Co-Founder @Twisp)
The GeekNarrator,
Engineering, Productivity and Learning with Dr. Venkat Subramaniam
The GeekNarrator,
Batch vs Realtime Stream Processing - A Deep Dive with Phil Fried from Estuary
The GeekNarrator,
Cassandra 5.0 - ACID transactions and Vector Search
The GeekNarrator,
Tim Berglund on Realtime Analytics with Apache Pinot
The GeekNarrator,
Building Robust Data Platforms with Francesco Tisiot
The GeekNarrator,
Understanding ksqlDB with Matthias J. Sax
The GeekNarrator,
Building Geo Distributed Applications with Denis Magda
The GeekNarrator,
Java Profiling with Richard Startin
The GeekNarrator,
Change Data Capture (Debezium) With Gunnar Morling
The GeekNarrator,
Effective Code Reviews with Curtis Einsmann
The GeekNarrator,
Tiered Storage implementation by StarTree (Apache Pinot) with Neha Pawar
The GeekNarrator,
Apache Cassandra Masterclass with Patrick McFadin
The GeekNarrator,
System Design Framework for Interviews and beyond with Pratik Pandey
The GeekNarrator,
Site Reliability Engineering Masterclass with Luis Mineiro
The GeekNarrator,
Software Engineering Career Growth with Arasu Shankher
The GeekNarrator,
Running Distributed Systems like a Pro with Mayank Shrivastava
The GeekNarrator,
Distributed SQL and CockraochDB with Jim Walker
The GeekNarrator,
API Design Masterclass with Deepak Patil Part-2
The GeekNarrator,
API Design Masterclass with Deepak Patil Part-1
The GeekNarrator,
Building the RIGHT product mindset with Maheep Bhalla
The GeekNarrator,
Distributed Stream processing with Maximilian Michels
The GeekNarrator,