I found that I frequently type the name of a new component several times when creating it manually:
- When creating the folder or file
- Naming the actual function
- The css module className
For example:
// MyAwesomeTitle.tsx
export function MyAwesomeTitle() {
return <h1 className={styles.myAwesomeTitle}>
To spare my fingers I have created these easy to remember snippets:
: current directory/folder in PascalCase -
: current directory/folder in camelCase -
: current file in PascalCase -
: current file in camelCase
As these are not really language specific I added them to …/snippets/global.code-snippets
You can easily open/create this file by cmd+shift+P
→ Snippets: Configure User Snippets
Directory Name PascalCase
MyAwesomeTitle/index.tsx → MyAwesomeTitle
"Dirname PascalCase": {
"prefix": "Dir",
"body": ["${TM_DIRECTORY/^.+[\\/\\\\]+(.*)$/${1:/pascalcase}/}"]
Directory Name camelCase
MyAwesomeTitle/index.tsx → myAwesomeTitle
"Dirname camelCase": {
"prefix": "dir",
"body": ["${TM_DIRECTORY/^.+[\\/\\\\]+(.*)$/${1:/camelcase}/}"]
File Name PascalCase
…/MyAwesomeTitle.tsx → myAwesomeTitle
"Filename PascalCase": {
"prefix": "File",
"body": ["${TM_FILENAME_BASE:pascalcase}"]
File Name camelCase
…/MyAwesomeTitle.tsx → myAwesomeTitle
"Filename camelCase": {
"prefix": "file",
"body": ["${TM_FILENAME_BASE:camelcase}"]
Happy coding!
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