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How to Deploy a React app to Heroku

Deploying a React app to Heroku is a straightforward process. Below is a step-by-step guide:


  1. Ensure you have Git installed.
  2. Ensure you have a Heroku account. If not, sign up here.
  3. Install the Heroku CLI.

Steps to Deploy:

Initialize a Git Repository (If it's not already a Git repository)

   git init
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Commit Your Code:
If you haven't committed your React app to git yet, you can do so with the following commands:

   git add .
   git commit -m "Initial commit"
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Create a Heroku App:

   heroku login
   heroku create <optional-name-of-your-app>
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Use a Static Server:
Since a React app consists of static files when built, you will need a server to serve these files. One popular option is the serve package.

Install serve:

   npm install serve --save
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Modify your scripts section in package.json:

   "scripts": {
     "start": "serve -s build",
     "build": "react-scripts build",
     "dev": "react-scripts start",
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The above configuration will serve your build directory when you run npm start.

Set Up Node.js Server:
For Heroku to recognize the app as a Node.js app, you should have both package.json and a Procfile at the root of your project.

Create a Procfile (no file extension) in the root directory and add the following line:

   web: npm start
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Update .gitignore:
Ensure you're not excluding the build directory in your .gitignore. Heroku needs this to serve your app.

Build Your App:

   npm run build
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Commit the Build:

   git add .
   git commit -m "Prepare for Heroku deployment"
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Push to Heroku:

   git push heroku master
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Open Your App in the Browser:
Once the deployment process completes, you can view your app in the browser:

   heroku open
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That's it! Your React app should now be live on Heroku. Remember that whenever you make changes to your React app, you'll need to rebuild and push to Heroku again.

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