DEV Community, the Friends Of OpenJDK!

Latest episodes

The Future of Source Control and CI/CD (#26)

The Future of Source Control and CI/CD (#26), the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Game Development with Java, JavaFX, and FXGL (#25)

Game Development with Java, JavaFX, and FXGL (#25), the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
JUG World Tour: BeJUG, BruJUG and how Devoxx was born as JavaPolis (#24)

JUG World Tour: BeJUG, BruJUG and how Devoxx was born as JavaPolis (#24), the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Java Performance and Profiling (#23)

Java Performance and Profiling (#23), the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #22: When Profession and Fun Overlap

Foojay Podcast #22: When Profession and Fun Overlap, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #21: JUG World Tour: Brazil SouJava

Foojay Podcast #21: JUG World Tour: Brazil SouJava, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #20: Functional Programming, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

Foojay Podcast #20: Functional Programming, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #19: How working for free for fun brought me fame and fortune — or at least some of each — in the end

Foojay Podcast #19: How working for free for fun brought me fame and fortune — or at least some of each — in the end, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #18: Atlanta JUG and DevNexus

Foojay Podcast #18: Atlanta JUG and DevNexus, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #17: Execute Java code with TornadoVM on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs

Foojay Podcast #17: Execute Java code with TornadoVM on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #16: Welcome to Java 20!

Foojay Podcast #16: Welcome to Java 20!, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #15: JUG World Tour: Japan

Foojay Podcast #15: JUG World Tour: Japan, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #14: Debugging Tools and Skills for Fun and Profit

Foojay Podcast #14: Debugging Tools and Skills for Fun and Profit, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #13: JUG World Tour: Denver and Boulder JUG

Foojay Podcast #13: JUG World Tour: Denver and Boulder JUG, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #12: State and future of the IDEs

Foojay Podcast #12: State and future of the IDEs, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #11: Looking Back to 2022 and Predictions for 2023

Foojay Podcast #11: Looking Back to 2022 and Predictions for 2023, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #10: JUG World Tour: Dubai JUG

Foojay Podcast #10: JUG World Tour: Dubai JUG, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #9: The state of JavaFX framework, libraries and projects

Foojay Podcast #9: The state of JavaFX framework, libraries and projects, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #8: JUG World Tour: Manchester JUG

Foojay Podcast #8: JUG World Tour: Manchester JUG, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #7: Security in Java, what do we need to know and how to keep our applications secure

Foojay Podcast #7: Security in Java, what do we need to know and how to keep our applications secure, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #6: Welcome to Foojay!

Foojay Podcast #6: Welcome to Foojay!, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #5: OpenJDK 19 Discussion Panel

Foojay Podcast #5: OpenJDK 19 Discussion Panel, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #4: Why So Many JDKs?

Foojay Podcast #4: Why So Many JDKs?, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #3: Journey to Jakarta EE

Foojay Podcast #3: Journey to Jakarta EE, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
Foojay Podcast #2: Embedded Java

Foojay Podcast #2: Embedded Java, the Friends Of OpenJDK!,
