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Code-Behind library is a backend framework. This library is a programming model based on the MVC structure, which provides the possibility of creating dynamic aspx files (similar to .NET standard) in .NET Core and has high serverside independence.
C# • 1 star
Elanat is add-on oriented framework. The Elanat kernel is designed to create an add-on for it as easily as possible; the Elanat kernel contains a variety of add-ons; the structure of Elanat allows the programmer to create a new web system containing different types of add-ons.
This is Elanat's external add-on repository. Add-ons are placed in separate directories in this repository. Put these add-ons as you like in your repositories and change them for yourself and add your name after the Elanat name in the athour tag in the catalog files along with the developed by sentence.
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