200 bio found
For publishing at least one post per week for eight consecutive weeks. The streak continues!
For posting at least 2 constructive comments per week for 4 straight weeks. The next badge you can get is the 8 Week Badge.
For posting at least 2 constructive comments for 2 straight weeks! The next badge you can get is the 4 Week Badge.
Awarded for consistency of writing.
For posting at least 2 constructive comments in a single week.
Currently learning
• OpenBSD • Übersetzerbau ( Compilerbau )
Currently hacking on
• OpenBSD Server
Available for
Austausch, Beruf, OpenBSD, Fortbildung
Profilbild: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vector-illustration-full-moon-close-up-around-stars_10602206.htm
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